People trends we’re seeing this quarter

As people specialists, we’re dealing every day with issues that are coming up for our clients.  This enables us to have early insights into trends within the people sector, as they impact small toRead more

Potential recession and the implications for the labour market

This month we’ve decided to tackle the talk of a potential recession head on and discuss what some of the implications for the labour market may be.  As your people specialists we think it’sRead more

Make time to Reconnect

We’re constantly dealing with people under all sorts of unhealthy stress and pressure, and we see the impact that is having…it’s Mental Health Awareness week, and we’re right behind thisRead more

Measuring up for success!

What are the right things to measure when it comes to people in my business? When there is a tight labour market and your investment in your people is under the microscope we’re fielding a lot ofRead more

Small group coaching reaps dividends

People4Success’ Lee Astridge recently completed a small group coaching session with a team from a Hamilton Building Company.  Participants said the small group size and incremental sessions wasRead more

Fair Pay Agreement Update

The Fair Pay Agreements Bill has an overarching policy objective to enable employers and employees to collectively bargain industry-wide or occupation-wide minimum employment terms.  At present, Read more

Being deliberate about who you listen to and finding perspective . . . 

It’s easy to focus on difficulties at the moment – let’s face it, there are plenty to choose from; whether it’s your workload, the challenges of running a business, the inability to get aRead more

Upskill your people, keep your people, maximise productivity!

Over the next few months as the temperature drops and the days seem shorter it’s a great time to increase morale with some team training. Upskilling your team has multiple benefits for yourRead more

How Ready is Your Business?

As the government makes decisions and brings in new rules, there are a number of changes that are either here already or coming soon that businesses need to be across. Like ‘em or not, the truthRead more

We know – it really is faster to do it yourself….this time!

If you’ve ever uttered the words, “It’ll be faster if I just do it myself,” then the leadership challenge of finding time to delegate is one that’s likely at the top of your list.   AndRead more

Creating clarity for your team members around COVID-19 leave payments

As COVID spreads widely through the community it’s time to create clarity with your teams about how any COVID-19 leave will be treated, particularly where the absence from work is a requirement asRead more

Working Smarter Not Harder

Behind every great business are systems that keep it running. After 12 years we’re upgrading our recruitment software to ensure we continue to provide quick visibility on jobs that are right for oRead more


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