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Mondayisation – What Does it Mean for Your Business?

This year Boxing Day and the 2nd of January both fall on a Saturday and are ‘Mondayised’.  You need to understand what this means for your team members and your business – the answers generally lie in when a team member normally works.  For many of you who have rosters that vary, and therefore ‘normally works’ is a pretty fluid concept, this can be a bit tricky to work out.  Check out this link from Employment New Zealand to help you understand how to...

December 18, 2020

E + R = O

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor.  His equation E (Event) plus R (Response) = O (Outcome) is an easy way of helping us understand that events in and of themselves don’t dictate the outcome, how we respond to them plays a critical part in determining what happens. Like all good psychoanalytic theories, this one states the obvious and gives us a foundation to ‘hang’ discussions and analysis on.  Our challenge to you as we come to the end o...

December 8, 2020

Time to Meet Maja!

Maja (said Maya) has joined the People4Success team as our newest Consultant based in Te Awamutu. Maja is originally from Serbia, coming to New Zealand after working in UAE for nine years. Maja’s background includes international experience in the airline, construction and the finance industry. Her MBA from Anglia Ruskin University, along with this varied experience means our clients and their teams are enjoying the diversity of thinking that Maja brings into their businesses. Since ...

December 8, 2020

10 Forgotten Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times

We came across this simple list, and in this year of all years, thought it more powerful – and more important – than ever.   The article really rings true for us (so much so that we’ll be sharing it with our teenagers) so for more insights and to really ‘get it’, we suggest you click through to the full article, but here are the 10 pearls… Pain is part of life, and it helps us growMindset is half the battleYour biggest fears don’t really existYou are growing thr...

November 27, 2020

Turner Road Architecture – Winning in Style

We love to see businesses succeed, particularly NZ businesses that we have relationships with.  A Cambridge-based business that we think is particularly exciting is Elevate Homes and it’s ‘sister company’ Turner Road Architecture.  Fantastic to see Lee Turner of Turner Road Architecture take out national honours for the 2020 ADNZ Resene Residential New Home Over 300m2 Architectural Design Award this month.  Congratulations Lee!

November 27, 2020

Is Now the Time for Design Thinking in Your Business?

COVID-19 has forced changes in the way people work, and created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to increase engagement and productivity.  Check out this article that explores how and why the tools of talent management are changing, and the opportunities this gives your business.

November 27, 2020

So You Do More Than Recruitment?

Twice in the last 10 days we’ve had clients who have approached us about recruitment express surprise when they found out that we’re ‘more than a recruitment company’.  So we figure we better spread the word!   We work with a number of business in the ‘HR’ space…of course we do all the normal compliance stuff well, but what really makes us successful is how much we care about our clients’ businesses, and how important it is to us to be alongside these business...

November 27, 2020

Have You Met Beverly?

Beverly joined our team in February….just weeks before we went into lockdown!  But she didn’t let that stop her – she hit the ground running, supporting clients with a range of Covid-19 related issues right off the bat. Since then she’s been busy building leadership capability, recruiting for a wide range of roles, and supporting clients as they deal with a range of people challenges.  You can read more about Beverly’s professional qualifications and extensive ...

November 27, 2020

Payroll Plus!

Are you looking for a team that advises, provides great management information and doesn’t just ‘data enter?’ One of the reasons clients from the farming and non-farming sectors alike are increasing their use our payroll services is because we do more than just ‘process the pay.’  Our in depth knowledge of payroll legislation (as it is now and as it will change), and the nuances of non-standard rosters, changing employment patterns and worked hours, mean that our experts give you ...

October 23, 2020

Labour Shortage…is it the same in your industry?

Isn’t it ironic that with all the Covid-19 related job losses, we’re still facing a massive labour shortage, with the primary sector in particular facing a critical worker shortage as a result of border closures?  We thought these two articles, both relating specifically to the hort industry and the challenges in getting fruit off trees/vines we were well worth a look at, and raise different issues (and potential solutions) for the fruit picking industry.    https://www.s...

October 23, 2020

Business starts to have their say about the government response to COVID- 19

For some insights for some key business leaders on how the government has responded to Covid- 19, Stuff recently published a great article on the issue, clink on the link to read more

October 23, 2020

In demand roles for future

Health, wellbeing and care workers There has been a long-term shortage of qualified staff in the health and wellbeing sector and this isn’t going to change over time. With an aging population and an increased mental health needs in the community, developing a career in this industry could be a great long-term career decision. Roles that will be particularly in demand include; Personal trainersPhysiotherapistNutritionists or dieticiansMental health workers and counsellorsGeriatric care workers ...

October 23, 2020

How the election result could affect your business

Fair Pay Agreements Fair Pay Agreements are between unions and employers and set minimum terms and conditions of employment for all workers in an entire industry or occupation. Labour promised to introduce Fair Pay Agreement legislation for competitive industries, to set the minimum content that must be included in each Fair Pay Agreement.  These agreements would be extended to cover both employees and dependent contractors. Increased Sick Leave - Entitlements From five to 10 days per ...

October 23, 2020

Smoking Hot Topic…Cannabis…

So if you’ve been in a dark cave somewhere you may not be aware of the Cannabis referendum that we vote on next month when we also vote for our favourite MPs and political parties… What we’ve found amusing about the cannabis referendum is the number of people who think that, if it passes, they will now be able to smoke weed at work.  So we though we’d set the record straight and also give you some tips on preparing should the vote be a YES. Firstly, if the referendum says ...

September 17, 2020

Equal Pay Amendment Bill – comes into force on 7 November

The guts of this one is that it changes how workers can make pay equity claims using NZ’s existing bargaining framework, thus removing some cost and time barriers that currently exist and put people off making claims.   By effectively making court action a last resort, this lowers the bar to employees initiating a pay equity claim So, some insights on what Pay Equity actually means:Gender cannot be a determining factor in the receiving of the same pay for jobs that are different...

September 17, 2020

Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Act – came into force on 28 June

The Employment relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Act is a more complex piece of legislation which will no doubt be tested by case law, but fundamentally it allows for a third party to be named in a personal grievance.     Whilst who will be considered third parties will need to be established by case law broadly you can think team members hired through an agency on short term temping assignments as potential groups of employees who may fall into this category.  ...

September 17, 2020

Privacy Act Changes come into effect 1 December

We all store information in our businesses.  For some this is kept manually (at a basic level think payroll  and employee information), for others it is kept on complicated databases and customer relationship management systems.  Regardless, as soon as we hold private information about people we are responsible, under the Privacy Act to protect and keep this information, well, private. The Privacy Act 2000 brings our current privacy laws into the 21st century and in...

September 17, 2020

Businesses and business leaders under pressure…

Did you take our resilience survey from our last newsletter? If you did what did you learn and, more importantly, what have you put into practice? If you didn’t, what’s stopping you gaining these insights and knowledge?  And we saw this article from the business.govt website and it was like they were looking over our shoulder….we all want NZ to go well and this article has some great tips on what to look out for, and how you can work to look after yourself, whether your business ...

August 27, 2020

People4Success Business After Five in conjunction with the Te Awamutu Chamber of Commerce

Every business is facing change at the moment as new legislation comes into effect and new employment case law is set almost daily. People4Success, and sister company No8HR, are hosting a Business After Five event on 10th September and we’re inviting all current and potential clients as well as Te Awamutu Chamber members to enjoy a glass of bubbles and hear about the latest employment law and ‘people and strategy news’ from our team including: What’s the latest employment law update...

August 27, 2020

Kia Kaha Auckland

Early on Saturday morning People4Success's Lee Astridge quietly emailed some mates and asked the question:  How can we let Auckland know that we care? And less than 26 hours after the first conference call on Monday morning was live….a place where the rest of New Zealand can say ‘thank you’ to Auckland for the work they are doing to keep us all safe. So come on, speak from the heart, get creative, involve the whanau…...

August 19, 2020

A truly Kiwi experience

Just over a week ago I went to Westport.  Not an easy place to get to from the Waikato with the flight to Wellington, and six hour wait in the airport before getting on the Sounds Air flight.  Needless to say, I wasn’t looking forward to it.  But my experience during that journey was so quintessentially Kiwi and such a reminder of what it really means to be Kiwi.  Here’s a few examples… Sitting in Wellington airport in the middle of a winters th...

August 19, 2020

You Look Great in that Mask!

Following the announcement by the Prime Minister that there is a case of community transmission in South Auckland, and that the greater Auckland area will re-enter Alert Level 3 from midday today and the rest of the country into Level 2 we’re confident that ‘we’ve got this’ and NZ’s team of 5 million will again triumph. Key implementation steps across NZ are: 2m physical distancing in public1m physical distancing in work places, cafés and restaurantsGet those masks and put t...

August 12, 2020

If you're under pressure...

The first case of unfair dismissal following a failure to follow a fair process in a redundancy consultation have made it through the Employment Relations Authority.  Having a good reason to make changes in your business is not enough, you also need to follow a good process as these employers found out.  Speak to us if you need help.

August 11, 2020

Crime Up?

We found this article talking about the future of crime in NZ in the near future as a result of COVID and the challenges an economic recession….not great reading but we think it’s worth you knowing about…what’s your community going to do about this?

August 11, 2020

Unemployment Rate Commentary

The drop in the unemployment rate announced earlier this month (to 4%) was unexpected and a closer look at the figures shows areas of concern that will impact the job market into the near and medium future: If you’re bored about discussions on the wage subsidy, skip this point:  There is much discussion about the wage subsidy finishing (Sept is the date for this but in reality many employers have used their 12 + 8 weeks up already if they started their claim from early March) and we ...

August 11, 2020 Posts 51-75 of 131 | Page prev next

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